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  • 发布时间:2014-10-27
  • 作者:杨立华
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  杨立华 研究员 博士生导师 南非研究中心主任 





  1.《中国与非洲经贸合作发展总体战略研究》(合著,项目主持人),中国社会科学院文库 经济研究系列,中国社会科学出版社,2013年10月。 



  4.《南非的政治经济发展》(合著,项目主持人)/ 中国社会科学出版社1994年。 




  1.曼德拉的政治遗产 南非发展的制度基础,《当代世界》,2014年第2期。 




  5.南非的经济金融制度,中国金融半月刊 2011第5期,36页。 

  6.南非应对世界经济衰退,谋求长期可持续发展,《中国战略观察》(中国改革开放论坛) 2001年第4期,64-72页。 

  7.南非国别研究综述,《西亚非洲》双月刊 2011第5期。 

  8.南非加入金砖国家合作机制的优势和作用,南方杂志 2011第4期。 


  10. 南非祖马政府的政策取向,《亚非纵横》,2010年第1期。 

  11. 南非社会保障体系中社会救助制度,《西亚非洲》2010年第9期。 

  12. 考验宪政体制的南非第四次民主大选,《西亚非洲》(月刊)2009年第8期。 

  13. 从姆贝基去职看南非政治风云,独著1.1万字,《西亚非洲》(月刊)2009年第1期。 

  14. Building A Sustainable Strategic Partnership by China and Africa,《中非合作五十年:背景、进程及意义—中国学者论中非关系》(英文版),云南大学出版社2009年10月。 

  15. 中南建交十年 深化战略合作,《亚非纵横》(双月刊),2008年第1期; 

  16. 中国与非洲:建设可持续的战略伙伴关系,《西亚非洲》(月刊),2008年第9期。 

  17. 仁者无敌:曼德拉的光辉岁月,中国民族报,2008年7月18日。 

  18. 中国与南非建交的战略选择(上、下),《西亚非洲》月刊2007年第9、10期。 

  19. 中国与南非战略伙伴关系的发展,北京大学《国际政治研究》2006年第4期。 

  20. China''s Foreign Policy in Africa: A View From China'' South African Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 13, issue 1, 2006;(“中国对非洲政策—中国学者的观点”)南非国际问题研究所期刊《南非国际问题杂志》, 2006年第1期。 

  21. 南非的反腐败战略与机制,《西亚非洲》2006(3),0.8万字。 

  22. 南非经济—放眼非洲谋发展,《西亚非洲》双月刊2005年第6期。 

  23. 新南非:多元一体国家的建设,8000字,《《西亚非洲》》双月刊2004年第4期; 

  24. 中非经贸合作趋势分析,《红旗画刊》,2004年第6期,8000字。 

  25. 从布什访非看美国在非洲的战略利益,中国网国际栏目2003年7月14日。 

  26. 美国-南非关系:互有所求,各有所持,北京大学《国际政治研究》2003年第3期。 

  27. 非洲振兴计划—走出悲观,树立自信,论文,2001-2002年中东非洲发展报告//北京:社科文献出版社,2002年。 

  28. 布什执政后的美国-南非关系,论文,《西亚非洲》资料 总第183期2001/32001年12月30日出版。 

  29. 非洲联盟:理想与现实,论文,《西亚非洲》2001年第5期。 

  30. 南部非洲:一体化应对全球化,《西亚非洲》,2000年第3期。 

  31. 南部非洲以发展为导向的地区一体化,《西亚非洲》1998年第6期。 

  32. 南非新体制的确立,《西亚非洲》1997年第1期。 



  Current Position:  

  Professor / Senior Research Fellow,  

  Director of the Centre of Southern African Studies,  

  Institute of West Asian and African studies IWAAS,  

  Chinese Academy of Social Sciences CASS. 

  Contact details: 

  Mailing Address: IWAAS, CASS, Pox 1120, Beijing, 100007, China; 

  Tel: +86-10-64039163 office; 88437662 home 

  Cell: +86-13126776804; 

  E-mail: yanglh@cass.org.cn; ylhua318@126.com

  http:// iwaas.cass.cn/   

  Field of Research: Africa’s political and economic development; AU and regional integration; South Africa and SADC comprehensive studies; International relations, including China-Africa cooperation. 

  Professional Career:

  Deputy Director of the Institute of West Asian and African Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 1998-2003; 

  Director of the Centre of Southern African Studies, IWAAS, CASS 1995-now. 

  Professor of Political Science, Department of West Asia and Africa Studies of the Graduate School under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 1999-2012; 

  Major Works:


  A Comprehensive Strategic Study on Development of China-Africa Economic Cooperation the Selected Works of CASS, by Yang Lihua and others, published by the Chinese Social Sciences Press, October 2013;

  Annual Report on Brics’ Social-Economic Development 2011, contribution to the part of Review and Perspective on South Africa’s Economic and Social Development, published by the SOCIAL SCIENCES ACADEMIC PRESS CHINA, March 2011;

  South Africa, a country-study for the Series of Guide to the World States, chief author and editor, published by the SOCIAL SCIENCES ACADEMIC PRESS CHINA, July, 2010; 

  Nelson Mandela -- Father of South African National Unity, published by Changchun Publishing House China, 1995; 

  South Africa -- Political and Economic Development, co-author, published by the Chinese Social Science Publishing House, April, 1994;  

  Roots of Upheavals in Southern Africa, co-author, published by World Affairs Beijing, China, 1989; 

  Nelson Mandela -- Black National Leader of South Africa Book, published by the SOCIAL SCIENCES ACADEMIC PRESS CHINA, 1988. 


  New Opportunities and Approaches in Sino-African Economic Cooperation Along with Africa’s Integration, general report for the Annual Report on Development in Africa 2012/2013, published by the SOCIAL SCIENCES ACADEMIC PRESS CHINA, July 2013; 

  Ten Years of African Union: Leading and Pushing A Continental IntegrationWEST ASIA AND AFRICA Bi-Monthly, No.1, 2013; 

  South Africa Joins the Brics with an African agenda, article in ANNUAL REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA, No.14 2011-2012, published by the SOCIAL SCIENCES ACADEMIC PRESS CHINA, July 2012; 

  South Africa, Irreplaceable in the Brics, article for the CCTV Series of Brics countries, March 2012; 

  South Africa’s Approach of Inclusive Development -- Commemorating the Centenary of the African National Congress,WEST ASIA AND AFRICA Bi-Monthly, No.1, 2012; 

  Building A Sustainable Strategic Partnership between China and Africa: Necessary Conditions, WEST ASIA AND AFRICA Monthly Journal of IWAAS, CASS, No. 9, 2008;

  China-South Africa Diplomatic Relations – A Strategic Choice, WEST ASIA AND AFRICA Monthly, No. 9 and 10, 2007; 

  Africa: A View From China, South African Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 13, Issue 1, 2006; 

  South Africa’s Anti-corruption Strategy and Mechanism, WEST ASIA AND AFRICA Monthly, No.3 2006; 

  China and South Africa: Deepening Strategic Cooperation, International Politics Quarterly, Peking University, No.3 2006; 

  Ten Years of New South Africa: Nation Building with Diversity and Unity, WEST ASIA AND AFRICA Bimonthly Journal of IWAAS, CASS, No.4, 2004; 

  Overview of China-Africa Economic Relations in Half a Century, chief editor, – a policy report for the Ministry of Commerce of PRC, 2003; 

  South Africa-US Relations: In Need and In Principle, International Politics Quarterly, Peking University, No.3 2003;

  African Union: Ideal and Practice, WEST ASIA AND AFRICA Bimonthly Journal of IWAAS, CASS, No.5, 2001; 

  South Africa''s Perspective By the Year 2000, WEST ASIA AND ADRICA Bimonthly No.6, 1994;  

  Historical Changes In South Africa, WEST ASIA AND AFRICA , No.1, 1994;  

  The Crux of Constitutional Negotiations in South Africa, WEST ASIA AND AFRICA, No.1, 1993;  

  White Referendum and Its Impact on Political development in SA, WEST ASIA AND AFRICA, No.1, 1992;  

  South African Black Politics After the Unbanning, WESST ASIA AND AFRICA, No. 1, 1991;  

  Botha''s "Total Strategy" and South Africa''s Political Trend, WEST ASIAN AND AFRICA, 1989; 

  Black Labour Movement In South Africa, WEST ASIA AND AFRICA, No.5, 1988;  

  Inkatha--the Zulu National Cultural Movement , WESST ASIA AND AFRICA, No.4,1983;  

  "Black Homeland" Policy of South Africa , WESST ASIA AND AFRICA, No.1, 1982. 

  International academic exchanges:  

  -- Key-note speech on Africa in a multi-polar world and prospects of Sino-Africa cooperation, at the 2nd Meeting of the China-Africa Think Tanks Forum, October 12, 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 

  -- Key-note speech on Africa’s collective security mechanism and China-Africa Security Cooperation, at the Sino-African Union Cooperation in Peace and Security in Africa Addis Ababa, May 22, 2012; 

  -- Coordinator for the Commemoration of the ANC’s Centenary at Institute of West Asian and African Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 10 January 2012, Beijing China;

  -- Presentation on Job creation and industrial development,at International Symposium on Comparative Study on Industrialisation Process in China and Africa, 1 December, 2011, Beijing, China; 

  -- Visiting scholar at the Centre for Chinese Studies, Stellenbosch University, Jan-March, 2009; 

  --Visiting fellow at the African Study Centre, Leiden University, the Netherlands, September, 2004, presented a paper on CHINA-AFRICA RELATIONS: REVIEW AND PERSPECTIVE; 

  -- Presentation on THE INCLUSIVENESS OF NEW SOUTH AFRICA AND ITS EXTENSION TO DIPLOMACY, at International Conference on “South Africa: Ten Years After Apartheid” Hosted by the Africa Institute of South Africa AISA, 24-26 March, 2004; 

  -- Presentation on Development-led Regional Integration In Southern Africa-SADC''s Hope in the Trend of Globalisation, at the International Symposium On Africa''s Development Perspective in the 21st Century, Beijing, China, Oct. 1998; 

  -- Bradlow Fellow at the South African Institute of International Affairsfrom March-August 1997, presented a Bradlow Paper on Sino-African Relations: An Overview; 

  -- African Traditional Authority and Its Role In South Africa''s Current Social Transition, paper presented at the Sino-US African Studies Exchange Committee conference on "Prospects of South African Political and Economic Development", Beijing, China, June 1996; 

  -- Attending seminar on "Prospects of South Africa by the Year 2000", held in Cape Town by the Southern African Research Project, Yale University, August 1994, presented a paper on South Africa Should Be a More Balanced Society By the Year 2000; 

  -- Academic study tour in South Africa, invited by the Centre for Southern African Studies of the University of Western Cape, March and April 1991; 

  -- Academic study tour to Namibia, Zambia and Tanzania, April and May 1991; 

  -- Visiting scholar at the Institute of African Studies of the University of Zambia July to September 1985. 

  -- Visiting scholar at the Southern African Research Program of Yale University USA 1984-1985. 

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