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文章来源:杨立华    日期:1988-05-03
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【摘要】 南非黑人反对白人种族主义统治的斗争在80年代形成前所未有的高潮。全国范围的群众暴动席卷黑人城镇和农村地区,使白人当局陷入政治和经济危机。博塔政权完全依靠暴力维持对局势的控制。虽然没有人预言南非会很快实现多数人统治,但是很少有人

【Abstract】 South African Black working clase is an indusrial labour force of over 6millinn peopele Coloured and Indian workers included which occupies 78% ofthe total employees in that country. Black labour has been the basis ofSouth African economy and it has also been the force promoting the integrationof the society. Black labour movement against racial oppression and racial exploitation hasa long history from early this century and it has given great impetus to theBlack national liberation movement. African trade unions gained legal status in 1979. Since then the Blacktrade union movement has experienced a remarkable development in its size,its militancy, its organizational depth and its maturity. Today Black labour movement is the most challenging force that is weakening the White racistrule and shfting the balance of strength to the advantage of the Blackmajority withour bloodshed.

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