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The Role of the Military in the Arab Uprisings
文章来源:刘媛    日期:2024-02-01
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v  ISBN9781032426440

v  ChineseTitle军事在阿拉伯起义中的作用:突尼斯与利比亚的实例

v  TitleThe Role of the Military in the Arab Uprisings

v  SubtitleThe Cases of Tunisia and Libya

v  AuthorAli Sarihan

v  PublisherRoutledge

v  Laneng

v  PubYear2023.05

v  Location西亚非书库



Focused on the 2010-2011 Arab Uprisings, this book examines the role of the military in Tunisia and Libya, arguing that both armies contributed decisively to the outcome and form of the respective uprisings.

The book begins by contextualizing the uprisings, with both countries plagued by anti-democratic politics and unequal social and economic structures in the 2000s. Alongside this, the book explores the key actors and factors leading up to, during, and after the uprisings. Employing a comparative case study methodology and drawing from approaches in rational choice theory and institutionalism, the author argues that the tripartite configuration of energy capacity, military structure, and strength of protest led to dichotomous outcomes in the countries. Tunisia, where the military defected, was marked by a lack of energy wealth, apolitical military structure, and high level of protest, enabling a nonviolent transfer of power. In contrast, in Libya, where parts of the military remained loyal to Gaddafis regime, protests evolved into violent civil conflict.

Making use of expert and elite interviews obtained from fieldwork in Tunisia, as well as data from the research field, the book will appeal to specialists and students interested in international politics, military and security studies, and the MENA region.




x       List of Figures

xi      List of Tables

xiii    Acknowledgments

xiv    List of Abbreviations

1      Introduction

4      Civil-Military Relations and Uprisings

5      How to Achieve Civilian Control of the Military?

13    The Military Power in the Middle East and North Africa

18    Protest Movements and Military Powers

21    Military Involvement in the Arab Uprisings:Pro-state and Pro-regime Behaviour

25    Notes

27    References

31    Methodology: Comparative Case Study

33    Case Selection: Depth or Breadth?

36    Sources: Elite/Expert Interviews and Secondary References

37    Outcomes: Defection and Split

39    Contributing Factors

45    Notes

46    References

49    PART 1


51    The Genesis of the Tunisian Uprisings

52    Tunisia: Politics and Military

61    The Prominent Causes of the Tunisian Uprisings

71    Notes

74    References

79    Actors and Factors in Tunisia

79    Actors

89    Factors

95    Notes

98    References

103  Tunisia: Energy, Military, and Protests: Energy Capacity,Military Structure, and the Strength of Protests

104  Energy Capacity

107  Military Structure

115  The Strength of Protests

118  Notes

121  References


125  PART 2


127  The Genesis of the Libyan Uprisings

128  Libya: Politics and Military

135  The Prominent Causes of the Libyan Uprisings

144  Notes

146  References

149  Actors and Factors in Libya

149  Actors

160  Factors

166  Notes

169  References

174  Libya: Energy, Military, and Protests: Energy Capacity,Military Structure, and the Strength of Protests

174  Energy Capacity

179  Military Structure

184  The Strength of Protests

191  Notes

194  References

201  Conclusion

201  The Positive Case: Tunisia

206  The Opposite Case: Libya

212  Appendix A: Chronology of the Tunisian Uprisings

216  Appendix B: Chronology of the Libyan Uprisings

224  Appendix C: Interview Process

227  Index


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