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The Jewish Agency And Syria During The Arab Revolt In Palestine
文章来源:刘媛    日期:2024-02-01
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v  ISBN9780755647637

v  ChineseTitle:巴勒斯坦阿拉伯起义期间的犹太机构与叙利亚

v  TitleThe Jewish Agency And Syria During The Arab Revolt In Palestine

v  AuthorMahmoud Muhareb

v  PublisherBloomsbury

v  Laneng

v  PubYear2023.01

v  Location:西亚非书库



Founded in 1929,the Jewish Agency played a central role in the founding of the State of Israel.Throughout the 1920s,30s and 40s,many secret meetings took place between the JA and Arab leaders and elites.The dominant narrative claims that Syrian leaders and elites were not involved in any such meetings.However,this book reveals for the first time that a multitude of secret meetings and negotiations took place including with the Syrian National Blockthe official Syrian leadership at the timeand the Shahbandari opposition and leaders of Jabal al-Druze.

Based mainly on primary sources from Israeli archives,including documentation of discussions,reports and decisions taken by the JA leadership,the book tells a new story of a critical period of history,the Arab Revolt of 19361939 in Palestine.Mahmoud Muhareb argues that the main historic objective of the JA was to reach agreements with Arab leaders and Arab states,behind the back of the Palestinians and at their expense,and to normalize its relations with the Arab states while it continued to deny the national rights of the Palestinians.The book challenges Israeli and Syrian official narratives and substantiates the Palestinian narrative,as well as some Israeli new historians who asserted Israel refusal to recognize the national rights of the Palestinians and affirmed its attempts to reach a comprehensive settlement with the Arab states at the expense of the Palestinians.The book includes Arabic and Hebrew sources translated into English for readers.




1    Introduction

7    The Zionist Intelligence Service: The Beginnings of Espionage on Arabs

21   Negotiations between the Jewish Agency and the National Bloc in Syria

39   The Zionist Disinformation Campaign in Syria and Lebanon during the Arab Revolt

57   From Negotiation to Penetration Relations between the Jewish Agency, the National Bloc,and the Shahbandari Opposition

107  Relations between the Jewish Agency and Druze Leaders in Syria

159  Conclusion

163  Appendix

173  Notes

197  Bibliography

201  Index

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